Shelving and Storage Services

Shelving and Storage

Cluttered, disorganised wardrobes are common and it’s easy to accumulate clothes that we no longer wear or like. So often, we reach for the same few items and actually forget about the other pieces we own or buy duplicates because we can’t remember what we have. Don’t forget- organise first, shop second!

I can help you to create an ordered, curated wardrobe that not only inspires you but streamlines the process of getting dressed in the morning, saving you both time and stress! 

Our Process:

 You make your enquiry and tell us what you’re needing to realize with respect to your closet and any issues you as of now have. 

We book an association day in our diaries. We arrive on the day, have a fast chat and appear circular and after that get started. 
You make the choices and we actualize the order, We’ll systematically go through your clothing, adornments and shoes and you may make a choice on each item:
  • Keep
  • Give to charity
  • Resell

We’ll compose the dress you’ve chosen to keep and make a framework that you simply can utilize to keep sorted out going forward.

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