Are you Moving Home?
Moving Home?
If the thought of moving is getting you down, let me help!
No matter how organised you are, packing for a house move often becomes a rush due to fitting it in around work and family. When unpacking, often the essentials are put away, but many boxes remain unpacked for months and sometimes years! There just never seems to be enough time.
Decluttering before packing for a move makes the packing process simpler and cheaper as you are not paying to take items to your new house that you don’t even want. Unpacking at the other end is also a much quicker job as you are not having to make decisions about items that should never have been packed in the first place.
We can declutter and pack for you, then unpack in your new home in a methodical, practical and organised manner, that makes sense. I love making a house a home. You don’t even need to be in when the organisation and unpacking begins as I can do that alone, if necessary. I can also help on move day!
Contact me today for more information about this service. I offer a variety of other organising services from general home organising to wardrobe decluttering. I offer a variety of decluttering packages to suit all needs and budgets.